Why Iglesia ni Cristo members do not believe in superstitions or superstitious beliefs, myths, legends and old wives' tales.
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No to superstition

Letter to the Editor:
PASUGO, October 1995, p.3

I COME FROM a family of die-hard Catholics. I've noticed that superstitious beliefs have already been part of our life. It is as if no move was without a bearing from superstition . Let me give you a few examples. 

On attending a night vigil for a dead relative or a friend, babies up to five or six years of age are crossed over the coffin three times. This is administered by two adults who stand on opposite sides of the coffin. This the old folks say, is for the child not to be afraid of the dead and not to be visited by the spirit of the dead.

On New Year's eve, all lights must be turned on and all windows, doors, and drawers must be left open from midnight to one o'clock in the morning. This is for good fortune the whole year round.

We also have to turn the plates when someone leaves and the others are not yet finished eating; are not allowed to sweep at night, and many more.

Do we really have to be governed by these beliefs?

Rona Santos
Manila, Philippines

Editor's reply:

            According to a standard lexicon, a superstition is any belief that is inconsistent with known facts or rational thought. It is a belief, half-belief, or practice for which there appears to be no rational substance. An ambiguous word, it probably cannot be used except subjectively (Encyclopedia Britannica, s.v. superstition).

            The same is true with myths, legends, and old wives’ tales. They are all “inconsistent with known facts or rational thought.” Apostle Paul taught in I Timothy 4:7:

            “Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly.” (New International Version)

            Why shouldn’t we believe in myths, old wives’ tales superstitions, and legends? Apostle Paul asserted in I Timothy 1:4:

            “Nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God’s work – which is by faith.” (Ibid)

            Therefore, our lives should not be governed by superstitions or superstitious beliefs; instead let us allow God and His will to govern our ways.


Bible Study Suggestion: If you have further questions, please feel free to visit the Iglesia ni Cristo congregation nearest you. A minister or an evangelical worker would be happy to answer any biblical question you have in mind.

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