Examine the Verse - John 10:30
Consider the verse in detail in order to find out the true message or meaning.
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Examine the Verse
John 10:30
This verse is cited to imply support of the Trinitarian belief
that the true God is the Triune God, existing as three persons, God the Father,
God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, but one being.

  "I and My Father are one."
(John 10:30, New King James Version)
  Trinitarian Belief in God and Jesus Christ:
 Trinitarians believe in the Trinity, that God is the "Triune God"
existing as three persons
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, but one being. All three are
eternal with no beginning. M
embers of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal,
one in essence, nature, power, action, and will.
Trinitarians believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal second person "God the Son",
who took on a human body and nature and became both man and God. 
Thus is Jesus is fully man and fully God simultaneously.
  Apostle's admonition, warning and unique way of teaching:
1. No prophecy of scripture is a matter of personal interpretation. (II Pt. 1:20, NAB)
2. Do not go beyond  what is written. (I Cor. 4:6, NIV)
 3. We do not use words of human wisdom. We speak words given to us by the Spirit,
using the Spirit's words to explain spiritual truths. (1 Cor. 2:13, NLT)
  Points to Consider:  
  1. Notice that Jesus Himself is talking to the Jews who surrounded Him as He walked in the Temple, in Solomon's porch. Jesus said this clearly as written in the above verse:  "I and My Father are one".
2.  Please note what Jesus clearly said "I and My Father are one". He did not say "I and My Father are one God". So, interpreting the verse to mean that "Jesus and the Father are one God" is going beyond what is written and/or personally interpreting the scriptures.  In what way are they one? Surely, it is not for being God. Please read the preceding verses.
3.  How can the above verse imply support to the Trinity doctrine when the verse do not even mention the third person―God the Holy Spirit; or any of the Trinitarian elements such as co-equal, co-eternal, one in essence, action, power and will?
4.  Is the verse really about the Trinity doctrine or it is about something else?
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  John 10:30 in other versions of the Bible:  

I and my Father are one.
 (King James Version)

I and the Father are one.”
 (New Living Translation)

You may use other version or translation of the Holy Bible.



Bible Study Suggestion:
  • Search the internet for the Trinitarian explanation of the above verse.

Examine - consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning;
Source: http://www.thefreedictionary.com/examine

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